Friday, July 24, 2009

When keepin it real goes wrong

President Obama (had to)apologize for describing the arrest of a black Harvard professor as "stupid". Apparently a Harvard professor got apprehended while "trying to break into his own house" after a snitch called the Po-Po. I think he forgot even after you've moved up to the East side it still aint coo.A great deal of upstanding citizens think we're still making this whole racism thing up.

Like these fine folks (arresting officer not pictured)

East Coast vs. West Coast

Before the beef, there were these everybody and they momma collaboration cuts. They need to bring this back. But with the south having a presence in music like they do it would have to be divided into 4 paths. West, South, East, and Mid-West (yes the mid west does deserve it's own "Everybody and they momma cut"

Monday, July 20, 2009

Run that back

I just had a "What ever happen to...?" moment.

Whatever happend to quality mix tape videos, and rza re-spitting verses like nobody knew?

Night Owl

Apparently I had nothing better
do at 4 am than bake cookies...